The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.
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Grant us wisdom to care for our earth – that you have provided for us, so we can live in unity with all that you have created. Help us to be carers for animals, plants and the seasons. Let us have the knowledge to listen when we are told that we are causing damage to the earth and environment around us and use the tools we have to make it a better place to live – for us and for many generations to come. Help us to see what needs to be done and to add our help in the little ways that we can. We can all do our bit no matter how small and make a difference. You have blessed us with beautiful oceans, green fields and adaptable seasons, beautiful animals and wonderous forests. All is apt for its time and all provides its own purpose in the circle of life. If nothing else help us to have respect and love for what we are so blessed to have. Help us to live in unison with our brothers and sisters and work towards a peaceful world. Amen.