In confession… we open our lives to healing, reconciling, restoring, uplifting grace of Him who loves us in spite of what we are.
First Confession dates for children preparing for First Holy Communion are as follows:
Wednesday February 26th 2014.
Scoil Phadraig Naofa, Presentation Primary School, Bandon Bridge. 7.00pm St Patrick’s Church.
Thursday February 27th 2014.
Scoil Bhríd Crossmahon, Scoil Naomh Sheosamh Laragh. 7.00pm in Our Lady Chapel Gaggin Church.
Thursday March 6th 2014.
Gael Scoil – in the school Halla – please ask the teacher about the time.
Weekly confessions take place in St Patrick’s Church on Saturdays 12noon – 1.00pm (unless otherwise stated in the weekly bulletin).
If you have been away from confession for a while you are very welcome.
How to prepare for confession and prayers for confession click HERE.